September 17-18, 2024
*Special Pre-Conference Experience on Sept. 16
Mercy Hill Church | Greensboro, NC
Breaking Barriers is a conference for like-minded churches to come together and push themselves to honor the Lord by doing everything in their power to grow their churches. When Pastor Andrew Hopper was 28 years old, he planted Mercy Hill Church. He had a goal of seeing that church grow from 30 to 3,000. He didn’t know if it would happen and assumed it would take 30 years if it did. By God’s grace, it took 7. As a result of that growth, Mercy Hill is now able to multiply at a sustainable pace. Multiplication is the goal, but that happens as the Lord adds to the number of those who are being saved. We want to share what we’ve learned and network with other churches that desire to grow and go. This conference is less about ministry philosophy and more about ministry practice.
At the Breaking Barriers Conference, you will hear high-level teaching and engage in breakouts around practical questions, such as: How does the Bible talk about and celebrate church growth? What is the connection between more people coming and more people going? How does a vision for sending fuel our desire for growing?
We also want to get into some nuts and bolts. What are the best practices for growth? How much should context really drive methodology? Is there a hidden advantage for sending in some models like multisite? These are just a few questions we will answer along the way. Our prayer for this conference is that it would reframe some of the conversation around church growth positively.
Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
– Matthew 9:38
Andrew Hopper
Lead Pastor
Mercy Hill Church
Bobby Herrington
Lead Pastor of Ministries and Operations
Mercy Hill Church
Jonathan Yarboro
Executive Pastor of Sending
Mercy Hill Church
September 17 + 18, 2024
Greensboro, NC
How can you foster a culture of generosity in your church? We know that it can feel weird and uncomfortable to talk about giving, however, Jesus certainly was not ashamed to talk about wealth and giving of your money. We want to help to crush the awkwardness around giving so that it can be one of the biggest levers in your church for sending. We used to believe that generosity was one of the last steps in discipleship, but now we sincerely believe that when people learn to open their hands in generosity, it has such a tie to the heart of discipleship that it propels them forward in their journey. At Mercy Hill, we truly believe that generosity fuels the mission. From weekly giving to doing a multi-year discipleship and generosity campaign, we’re going to cover it all. Join us at the pre-conference to deep dive into what generosity culture looks for your people.
We know that multiplication, sending, and discipleship is the goal of the church—people generally don’t have a problem saying that. But what we have found is that the ultimate input for the output of sending… is growth. Many times, we get so focused on the output of sending that we forget to put any emphasis on the input of growth, and that’s why we’re here. We want to help right the ship towards growing and going, and that is what we’ll spend the bulk of our time on with practical strategies and insights on growing to go.
Breaking Barriers Conference Only - Sept. 17-18- Gather with 100s of like-minded leaders
- Multiply strategic connections
- Learn how you and your church can grow to go
Pre-Conference + BB Conference - Sept. 16-18- Gather with 100s of like-minded leaders
- Multiply strategic connections
- Learn how you and your church can grow to go
- 3-hour deep-dive workshop with other leaders around generosity
- Pre-conference experience with Pastor Andrew and Pastor Bobby
- Monday night networking dinner
Monday 9/16
1:00 — Check-in opens
2:00 — Session 1: Theological Vision of Generosity (Andrew Hopper)
3:20 — Break
4:05 — Session 2: Systems for Generosity (Bobby Herrington)
5:00 — Dinner + Q&A
Conference Day 1
Tuesday 9/17
9:00 — Check-in
10:00 — Session 1: Lift the Lid on Growth (Andrew Hopper)
11:15— Break
11:35 — Deep Dive Panel #1
12:20 — Lunch & Learn
1:55 — Session 2: Lift the Lid on Mindset (Bobby Herrington)
3:00 — Break + Refreshments
3:40 — Deep Dive Panel #2
4:25 — Closing & Dismiss to Dinner (on your own)
7:00 — Offsite Hangout (optional)
Conference Day 2
Wednesday 9/18
9:00 — Doors Open
9:30 — Q+A/Live Podcast
10:40 — Break
10:50 — Session 3: Lift the Lid on Multiplication (Jonathan Yarboro)
12:00 — Dismissal + Box Lunch
Where is this conference located?
Breaking Barriers is being hosted the Regional campus of Mercy Hill Church in Greensboro, NC.
7616 Business Park Dr. Greensboro, NC 27409
Who should I bring with me to the conference?
We suggest sending at least your Lead Pastor, Executive Pastor, and other high-level leaders from your church staff to catch the vision for growth. Anyone is welcome at any level of leadership.
Where should I stay?
You can stay anywhere in Greensboro, but we suggest staying near Mercy Hill’s Regional Campus (7616 Business Park Dr, 27409). There are a number of great hotels within 10 minutes of this campus.
We have room blocks for the conference at the following locations:
LaQuinta Inn & Suites
- Address: 7905 Triad Center Drive, Greensboro, NC 27409
- Phone: 336-840-1550
- Group Name: Breaking Barriers Conference 2024
- Close Date: 9/2/2024
- Reservation Link: Click Here!
Embassy Suites by Hilton Greensboro Airport
- Address: 204 Centreport Drive, Greensboro, NC 27409
- Phone: 336-668-4535
- Group Name: Mercy Hill Breaking Barriers Conference
- Close Date: 8/26/2024
- Reservation Link: Click Here!
Homewood Suites by Hilton
- Address: 201 Centreport Drive, Greensboro, NC 27409
- Phone: 336-393-0088
- Group Name: Mercy Hill Breaking Barriers Conference
- Close Date: 8/26/2024
- Reservation Link: Click Here!
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