Churches can grow without going,
but they can’t go without growing.
Do you ever feel like church growth
and sending is an uphill battle?
You’re not alone. Many leaders face common barriers that hinder mission success. One such barrier is the negative church climate around growth.
At Breaking Barriers we understand these challenges because we’ve been there. We’re not church consultants but local pastors just like you. Although these barriers can be tough, we have seen God break through some of them as our church grew from 30 people to over 3,000 and sent 100s. Now, we are on a mission to guide churches and leaders like you with Biblical strategies to help your church grow to go.
Discover 3 simple ways we can
help your church grow to go:
1. Listen to the Breaking Barriers Podcast

Out Now!
Listen to the Breaking Barriers Podcast where we are reshaping the conversation around church growth and sending. Here you will gain practical insights, strategies, and success stories that will reshape your church’s growth journey as well as your own leadership!
Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts!
2. Attend a Breaking Barriers Event
Come to an in-person Breaking Barriers Event, where we create laser focused content to help your church grow. These events are also a place to connect more deeply with other leaders to learn, connect, and break through barriers together.
Upcoming Events

Worship Team Development
Breaking Barriers 1 Day Event
March 4th | 10AM-3PM | FREE
Are you wondering how to train, equip, and develop your worship team to create a healthy worship culture at your church? Could you use more worship team members? Are you going multisite and need to replicate your worship teams? Join us for this free event all about Worship Team Development.

Breaking Barriers Annual Conference
October. 21-22, 2025
Breaking Barriers is a conference aimed at churches striving to honor God by maximizing their growth potential, with a focus on practical strategies for sustainable growth and sending. It’s a platform for sharing experiences and networking with like-minded churches committed to growing and going.
3. Join the Breaking Barriers
Private Facebook Group

Connect with like-minded leaders in our Private Facebook Group. Here you get to personally connect with us as leaders and share experiences, gain valuable insights, and receive support from a community committed to growing churches.
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